Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Get On Your Good Foot for Your Wedding Day

(Image Courtesy of For Black Weddings)

Hello, everyone! While your first wedding dance symbolizes enchanting love, it can also be terrifying to a bride or groom with two left feet. And as much as you’d rather just skip that part, chances are that your brand new spouse and your guests may feel cheated out of that special moment. Before you start to think that you’re between a rock and a hard place, we at Yazzie & Co. have the perfect solution that’ll get you over that hump – teaching yourself how to dance. Not only will you be able to effortlessly glide over to your new bride or groom, you may just be as good as a Dancing with the Starscontestant.

(Image Courtesy of Here Comes The Guide)

You’re probably thinking that your hectic life leaves little time for you to take lessons in a professional studio. Well, the good part about that is that you can teach yourself from the comfort of your own home. In addition, you’ll spare yourself the self-consciousness that you’ll feel from revealing your lack of skills in a public forum. Now that you’ve made the time and the space, you can implement the four principles of dance – posture, balance, rhythm, and movement. Wedding expert, Mary Pinizzotto, lays it out in this simple equation – breath steadily to control your posture and balance while stepping and moving with grace and poise. This sounds complicated, but it really isn’t once you allow yourself to feel the music. From there, your feet and body will move naturally while you’ll find yourself having fun! As far as what dances you should learn for your big day? Pinizzotto recommends that you stick to the rumba, waltz, or foxtrot as two-step dances that you’ll be able to pick up easily when you apply the four principles to yourself. You can easily take your cues from YouTube tutorials, for there are plenty of professional dancers who provide lessons through these clips. Not only will you get to learn along, but you’ll have an interactive and fun experience in appreciating dance!

(Image Courtesy of Caitlin Rose Foster)

Once you’ve gotten the hang of dance, you can either stick to the familiar steps that you’ve learned or personalize your wedding dance by adding a little something at the end. Not only will an extra twirl or dip be memorable to your bride or groom, it’ll be quite a show for your guests. Just remember to keep your steps in sync as you would with your hearts and your wedding day is guaranteed to be special!

Until Next Time,

The Yazzie Blogger

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Break Tradition This Valentine’s Day with a Perfect Proposal!

(Image Courtesy of Offbeat Bride)

Hi, ladies. February 14th is less than two weeks and we know that you want to express your heart and soul to the man in your life. If you’re positive in your desire to spend the rest of your life with him, why not take a leap and ask him to be your husband? This special day is the perfect opportunity to flip the script when it comes to making your Valentine’s Day a memorable one. Since the thought of taking the lead can be quite overwhelming for a lot of you, we at Yazzie & Co. have come up with some surefire tips on how to pull this off without a hitch!

(Image Courtesy of Super Stock)

First things first, you need to shop for an engagement ring – for him. After all, it’s only fair for you to do so since you’re doing the asking here. With that said, this will require a lot more subtlety on your end, since men aren’t really into the over-the-top sentiments. The best way to go about this is to find a ring that is tailor-made to fit his personality. If you prefer to go the easier route, Mahalo suggests that you purchase matching rings for him and you to commemorate your bond.

(Image Courtesy of Getty Images)

The next thing that you need to do is make sure that both his and your families are on board with this. Granted, you’re taking an unorthodox step towards matrimony and you need to be aware that they may object to this. More importantly, though, you want to make sure that they support the both of you getting married. After all, you should have all the support that you can get when taking this big step.

(Image Courtesy of National African American Relationships Institute)

Afterwards, you should set the scene for this special moment. As we said earlier, men aren’t usually about receiving grand and sweeping gestures, so you’ll have to tread a little more carefully with this as well. As Mahalo mentions, he’s not likely to be bowled over by a carriage in the park proposal as much as you would be. So, where exactly is the best place to make this happen? We suggest that you keep it simple with an intimate dinner at home. Prepare his favorite foods and a sinful dessert, while setting the lights down low to the tune of soulful music and he won’t be able to resist.

(Image Courtesy of Getty Images)

And there’s the moment – when you take the leap by proposing to him. Since this all about him, curb your desire to write gushy poems about love everlasting and speak your truth. Let him know everything that is in your heart and why you’d love to spend the rest of your life with him. You can even get down on bended knee to pop the question, as Mahalo suggests, for it’s still charming no matter who’s doing the proposing.

(Image Courtesy of Big Stock Photo)

And if he turns you down? Well, he’s turned you down. After all, that’s what love is about – taking risks by putting it and yourself out there. What’s wonderful is the fact that you were fearless enough to flip the script by asking for his hand in marriage. Then again, if he accepts – well, you’ll have one of the happiest and most memorable Valentine’s Day memories of your life. Even better, he’ll love the fact that you were woman enough to go after what you wanted – him. That, ladies, is what we should celebrate on February 14th – the courage to love.


The Yazzie Blogger