Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Be At Ease in Planning Your Marvelous Military Wedding!

(Image Courtesy of Charmed Events Planning)

Though we at Yazzie & Co. would usually kick off the holiday season by writing about holiday weddings, we wanted to switch gears this time around by honoring our troops. With so many of you all fighting for our country, we thought it right to discuss wedding planning – military style. After all, you brave men and women are in love with love as much as we civilians are, so why not share in that by learning how to pull off a magnificent military wedding? It’s not as daunting as you’d think, so stick around and let us show you how to pull it off with panache!

(Image Courtesy of MB Weddings)

Should you decide to go all out by getting married in a military chapel or military academy, you’d do well to book well in advance. EHow thinks that a year’s time will suffice in ensuring that you don’t get lost in the military marriage shuffle. Do make sure that you thoroughly investigate who you choose as your chaplain, for you don’t want to be stuck with someone who is unlicensed or unqualified to preside over a military wedding. According to EHow, decoration standards are very particular, so you also want to check with the staff to make sure that what you’ve chosen is in line with what they allow. If you’re not sure how to go about decorating your military venue, we suggest featuring the American flag. Not only does it pay homage to your military background, it also serves as a symbol of unity. Even better, you can take things a step further by featuring flowers that reflect the flag – like red and white roses and blue cornflowers. While military chapels don’t charge to rent for weddings, Tracy Guth from The Knot recommends that you donate to its fund out of courtesy. Think of it as giving back to the milieu that made you the person that will stand tall in front of your new spouse.

(Image Courtesy of the Old Glory Ranch)

Your next priority, soldiers, is to address your guests properly. Not quite as easy as seating your soon-to-be in-laws in the front row, one needs to follow proper military protocol when inviting your wedding guests. For instance, while using regular invitations are fine, you should include yours and/or your soon-to-be spouse’s rank and title on them. Also offer your military loved ones and colleagues the option of attending in full dress, EHow suggests. That way, they will be able to pay tribute to your military bond in uniform. You should also be aware of who you invite and where they will be seated, since this also directly reflects on military tradition. According to Gigi Rena Rogers of Favor Ideas, your commander and high-ranking officers should be seated beside your immediate family while your colleagues should be seated directly behind them. Once you work your seating arrangements out, you’ll be ready to move on to the next step – dressing the part.

(Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

If you’re a soon-to-be bride that’s currently serving, you aren’t bound to wear your uniform. However, you can if you choose to do so. Should you be a soon-to-be groom in the military, it is recommended that you dress in traditional military garb for your big day. Since Winter’s around the corner, EHow recommends that you wear a blue uniform with your medal(s) and pristine white gloves. You’ll be dapper enough in your gleaming shoes to do the Arch of Sabers walk with your new bride. The most defining moment of a military wedding ceremony, this consists of you and your new bride walking through an arch of sabers towards your new life together. Whether you’re using swords as a Naval or Coast Guard officer or sabers as an Army officer or a Marine, EHow strongly suggests that check to see that your chosen base location has them available. Also make sure that there are commissioned officers available to hold up those swords or sabers during that moment on your wedding day, for Tracy Guth mentions that they’re the only ones that are authorized to participate in this part of the ceremony. Once the walk has been walked, your former civilian spouse will now officially be a military spouse – another thing that you’ll be proud to hold your head up high about as a member of the military.

Thanking You from the Bottom of Our Hearts for Your Dedicated Service,

The Yazzie Blogger

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Express Your Enduring Love with Sincerity!

(Image Courtesy of Melissa Blemur Photographer’s Blog)

Penning your wedding vows can be as difficult as picking out an engagement ring or choosing your wedding dress. This is why Yazzie & Co. felt it right to dedicate this blog to all the soon-to-be marrieds who are stumped on how to speak their heart on paper. After all, the last thing we want is for you to become so overwhelmed that you forget the main focus – to express your love in front of those that are near and dear to you. So, how to pull this off, you ask? Well, keep reading for great tips on creating those timeless vows.

(Image Courtesy of the InMagine)

Say that you and your love have decided to collaborate on your vows. You both should bring your voices into the mix while being able to compromise on what you’d like to include and omit. This is where patience and open-mindedness come in, for the main thing that should be kept in mind is that these vows will reflect your new life together. In addition, About.com suggests that you be mindful of what you’re writing if you both decide to get married in a house of worship. After all, you don’t want the official to decline presiding over your nuptials out of offense.

(Image Courtesy of the Wedding Channel)

Then again, if you’d prefer to surprise your love with words of tenderness on your wedding day, no need to worry about getting it all wrong. All you need to do is remember the little things about him or her that made you fall in love with them, as well as the big things that solidified your love for them. Whether this takes you back to the first time that you ever laid eyes on them or the day that you decided to commit yourself, express these heartfelt feelings by putting pen to paper. If it takes you checking out some great love poems or sincere love letters for extra inspiration, About.com believes that it wouldn’t hurt - just as long as you allow yourself to shine in the finished product.

(Image Courtesy of the Forever - Tim and Becky’s Finger Lake Wedding)

Above all are the heartfelt words that you put to paper when you write your vows, since they represent your innermost thoughts about your spouse-to-be. Streamline them so that they resonate just as well when you recite them aloud on your wedding day. Ask a loved one to listen in and provide you with their feedback so that you can be prepared to share your feelings about your love to the world.

Until Next Time,

The Yazzie Blogger